Video library 2023
International Conference on Pediatric Liver Disease – Hybrid Conference @Erika-Haus Hamburg and Online – August 31th to September 1st, 2023.
„Supported by Albireo“
Thursday, 31th August 2023
Welcome to CPLD 2023
(J. Oh, Hamburg),
(A. Muntau, Hamburg)
Session 1: LTX in Metabolic Liver Disease
LTX in Organic Acidemia – What Can We Expect?
(M. Spada, Rome)
Liver-Directed Gene Therapy For Inherited Metabolic Diseases
(N. Brunetti, Naples)
Long Term Outcome after LTX in MSUD
(J. Beime, Hamburg)
Case Discussion: Neonatal Cholestasis endorsed by Mirum & CTRS
Bile Acid Synthesis and Regulation Disorders
(B. Hegen, Hamburg)
Mutation in MALRD1 gene locus causes intrahepatic cholestasis due to dysregulation of bile acid homeostasis: first clinical case
(M. Jankofsky, Hamburg)
DCDC2-Associated Neonatal Sclerosing Cholangitis
(P. Bufler, Berlin)
Maralixibat in Alagille Syndrome
(S. Henning, Berlin)
Session 2: Liver Immunology
Autoimmune Liver Disease–Data from the AILD Register
(M. Hørby-Jørgensen, Copenhagen)
Immunology of PALF and Immuno-suppressive Concepts
(J. Squires, Pittsburgh) – online
Session 3: Future Treatment Options
Fazirsiran in Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
(P. Strnad, Aachen)
Friday, 1st September 2023
Panel Discussion: Ethical Challenges in Pediatric LTX
Chair: S. Schulz-Jürgensen (Hamburg)
Guests: D. Kelly (Hepatologist, Birmingham), M. Spada (Transplant Surgeon, Rome), R. Jung (Patient, Leipzig)
Session 4: Graft Injury
Long-term Outcome of Asymptomatic
Patients after LTX
(S. Hartleif, Tübingen)
Gut Microbiome and Pediatric LTX
(N. Junge, Hanover)
Case Discussion: Medical Challenges in Pediatric LTX
CD55 deficiency in Patient with Budd Chari Syndrome
(E. Lainka, Essen)
Liver Artery Complications after LTX in CPS1
(E. Lainka, Essen)
Recurrence of Hepatoblastoma after LTX
(N. Junge, Hanover)
IBAT post-LTX in PFIC1
(N. Junge, Hanover)