
Thursday, 20 February 2025

12.00  Registration

13.00 Welcome

13.15 Keynote
The role of LTX in metabolic disease
Carlo Dionisi-Vici (Rome)

13.45 Longterm outcome after liver transplantation - Part 1

Post-LTX metabolism in MMA and other organic aciduria
Diego Martinelli (Rome)

Longterm outcome after LTX incl. quality of life
Martina Sterneck, Louisa Lund (Hamburg)

14.45 Longterm outcome after liver transplantation - Part 2

  Longterm cancer risk under immuno- suppression
Wilhelm Wößmann (Hamburg)

Transition in care: balancing between evidence and good care
Anneloes van Staa (Rotterdam)

15.45 Coffee Break | Industry Exhibition
16.15 IPSEN Industry symposium
Every baby deserves a genetic screening?
Malin Fromme (Aachen) & Irina Hüning (Lübeck)
16.45 Hepatobiliary surgery & interventions

Intraoperative bile duct imaging
Ricardo Superina (Chicago)

to be announced
18.00 End of the day
19.00 Congress dinner

Friday, 21 February 2025

08.30  Welcome

08.45 Keynote
  Biliary atresia
Claus Petersen (Hanover)
09.15 BARD Session on biliary atresia
Podium discussion on when to go for transplantation
Ricardo Superina (Chicago), Mark Davenport (London)

10.00 Coffee Break | Industry Exhibition
10.30 The hepatologists‘ view on biliary atresia
Henkjan Verkade (Groningen)

11.00 20 years national centralization of BA care
Mikko Pakarinen (Helsinki)

11.30 MIRUM Industry symposium
Unveiling the hidden signals: Biomarkers and symptoms in neonatal cholestasis
André Hörning (Erlangen) & Thomas Kaiser (Münster)
12.30 Lunch Break | Industry Exhibition

13.15 Wilson‘s disease

  New diagnostic tools and therapeutic innovation
Isabelle Mohr (Heidelberg)

  Pediatric acute liver failure in Wilson's Disease
Piotr Socha (Warsaw)

14.15 Hepatology & genetics

  Genetic markers and their prognostic significance in PFIC
Henkjan Verkade (Groningen)

14.45 ERN activities and registries

ERN Rare Liver
ERN Transplant Child

15.30 Farewell